Our Services

Charity Investment Advice

Charity Commission guidance (CC14) makes clear that the purpose of financial investment is to yield the best financial return within the level of risk considered to be acceptable.

The Trustee Act (2000) provides the general power of investment as a default power to be combined with a statutory duty of care. It permits trustees to invest, in accordance with the charity’s investment strategy, in assets which produce income and/or capital gain. These wider powers offer more choice and flexibility in the range of eligible products, but these increase the complexities of selecting suitable investment vehicles.

A sustained period of low interest rates and low cash returns have made it more challenging for charities to deliver their aims using cash instruments that meet acceptable credit thresholds. The fear of poor financial choices can lead to very risk-averse investment portfolios often allow inflation to erode the real value of the portfolio over time.

Arlingclose’s advice for charities brings together an understanding of the specific financial challenges they face and our experience in providing comprehensive investment solutions to meet the specific short- and long-term objectives of charities’ financial investments.

Our advice covers:

  • Determining an investment strategy appropriate to your requirements
  • Portfolio construction
  • Risk management
  • Performance measurement
  • Trustee investment training support for effective scrutiny